Help, Hope and Healing
For about 11 years, our family lived in Harris County, GA. During our time in Harris County, we experienced an F2 Tornado that made its path across Hamilton (the county seat) into Pine Mountain Valley. It did a lot of damage to homes and cut through a path of trees. The tornado almost hit the high school, full of students.
I rode through the area of destruction and saw a single tree snapped in half. Just a few feet past the snapped tree, I saw a small patch of trees, all leaning on each other. All of them were still standing. What was the difference? It all comes down to support. What’s holding you up? During the storms of life, we need to build a support base around ourselves so we will continue to survive and thrive.
The support base begins with a firm foundation. In 1 Corinthians 3, Christ followers are called “God’s building.” In verse 11 of that chapter it says, “For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” Jesus speaks of the importance of a firm foundation in Matthew 7:24-27, when He teaches about building on the rock versus building on the sand.
The support base continues with each other. Ecclesiastes 4 says, “two are better than one…if one falls, another will lift him up.” That is our job as believers, right? We are in the “lifting up business.” When we lean on each other in the storm, we stay intact and live to face another day.
Church family, we are called to be the help, hope and healing of Christ to others. We will pull through this disaster--Together, In Christ.
Jesus Christ---Our Foundation and Our Rock!
See you on Sunday! We are re-starting our Life Groups at 9:30 am. We need each other! And we will continue our healing process at 10:45 in worship!
Pastor Todd
I rode through the area of destruction and saw a single tree snapped in half. Just a few feet past the snapped tree, I saw a small patch of trees, all leaning on each other. All of them were still standing. What was the difference? It all comes down to support. What’s holding you up? During the storms of life, we need to build a support base around ourselves so we will continue to survive and thrive.
The support base begins with a firm foundation. In 1 Corinthians 3, Christ followers are called “God’s building.” In verse 11 of that chapter it says, “For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” Jesus speaks of the importance of a firm foundation in Matthew 7:24-27, when He teaches about building on the rock versus building on the sand.
The support base continues with each other. Ecclesiastes 4 says, “two are better than one…if one falls, another will lift him up.” That is our job as believers, right? We are in the “lifting up business.” When we lean on each other in the storm, we stay intact and live to face another day.
Church family, we are called to be the help, hope and healing of Christ to others. We will pull through this disaster--Together, In Christ.
Jesus Christ---Our Foundation and Our Rock!
See you on Sunday! We are re-starting our Life Groups at 9:30 am. We need each other! And we will continue our healing process at 10:45 in worship!
Pastor Todd
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